What You Need To Know

It's Your Body...

Not the doctor's. Not the government's. Not FDA's. Not EPA's. Not social worker's or the administrator's. It's YOURS!... And no one is responsible for your body but you! Your physical, mental, spiritual as well as financial well being is totally in your hands.
The articles, videos, interviews and seminars will give you some of the information you need to make a wise decision of what's best for you and how to go about achieving it.
World-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.

Dr. Bhakdi calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment.



Ivermectin: This medication is used to treat certain parasitic roundworm infections. Curing parasitic infections helps to improve your quality of life. In people with weakened defense (immune) systems, curing roundworm infections can reduce the risk of developing a severe or life-threatening infection. Ivermectin belongs to a class of drugs known as antihelmintics. It works by paralyzing and killing parasites.

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Effect of Masks on Your Health!


How Good Is Your Food?

When you think of health, wellness, and nutrition. What kind of images come to mind? Fruits? Lean meat? Vegetables? Supplements? Exercise? How about dirt? 

Soil is the primary factor in nutrition because all of our food comes from the earth. Our bodies are composed literally of Mother Earth. Minerals in our bodies are directly connected to the state of our soil. If an element is missing from our soil, it will be missing from the foods we eat!


In Today's World, Supplementation Is Essential For Good Health and the company we recommend to boost your Immune System and supply your body with the nutrients needed for optimum health is:

(Click The Image For More Information)

Use It Or Lose It!

Your body and your brain must to be exercised on a consistent basis to maintain optimum efficiency. 

You are probably familiar with an old concept of 'use it or lose it' ... This concept has never been more true and more applicable in any other area of your life as it is in achieving great overall health of body and mind.

Here are some ways to increase your Brain Power and to Keep Your Mind Healthy and Fit.

Eating proper food, not overeating and adding supplementation daily is a great start. There is one more component that is necessary to achieve good health... Exercise!

Exercise boosts energy, improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improves, you have more energy to tackle daily chores and to enjoy life more.

To start an exercise program, you don't need to buy expensive equipment or join some overpriced gym. If you have 15-30 minutes you can do your exercise routine wherever you are. The exercise routine that you engage in will contribute greatly to your over all well being!

Here Are Few Exercises That You Can Mix And Match To Create An Exercise Routine That Is FUN And Can Fit Even The Most Demanding Schedule!

#1 - Al Carter's Healthy Cell Concept

  "…for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a rebounder trampoline than with running.   -- Benefits Of rebound Exercise.


When The Cells Are Healthy - Your Body
Will Be Healthy!

The Many Benefits of Re-bound Exercise!

#2 - Dr. Mercola's Peak Performance, Nitric Oxide Release Workout.

If you are short on time, this calisthenic exercises can be used to help you achieve peak fitness in only minutes per day.
  • The Nitric Oxide Dump workout stimulates your body’s release of nitric oxide (NO), improving your mitochondrial health, slowing down age-related muscle decline and boosting heart health.
  • It involves just four movements — squats, alternating arm raises, non-jumping jacks and shoulder presses — which are done in repetitions of 10, with four sets each 
  • The workout takes just three or four minutes and should be repeated three times a day, with a minimum of two hours between sessions.


#3 - The 5 Tibetan Rites 

The Five Tibetan Rites is a system of exercises reported to be more than 2,500 years old which were first publicized by Peter Kelder in a 1939. The 5 Tibetan Rites increase strength, stamina, and longevity.

#4 - Full Body Kettle-bell Workout For Strength and Cardio!

It's well-known that compound, whole body movements typical of kettle-bell exercises are superior to machines that isolate muscles for improving muscle tone, body composition, and strength. Further, kettle-bells strengthen the tendons and ligaments, making the joints tougher and less-susceptible to injury.

#5 - 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight!

Exercising your eyes is one of those simple things that very few people do. However, it can help you maintain excellent vision. Here are 10 exercises that will take you no more than ten minutes to do. You can give them a try right now while watching this video.

#6 - Why Changing The Way You Breathe Will Transform Your Body and Mind with James Nestor. 

How we breathe affects every body system we have. James Nestor, science journalist and author of new book Breath, explores the data behind this ancient, but some might say lost, art.


Relive Stress - Anxiety - Stop Panic Attacks - Relax - BOX BREATHING - Breathing Exercises The Navy Seal Way!  

Box breathing can be thought of as the opposite of a panic attack. It can also be performed discreetly. What you need to do is sit upright, with your feet flat on the floor. After slowly exhaling, you slowly inhale through your nose to the count of four. Your lungs fill with air while you hold your breath for another slow count of four. Then you exhale through your mouth for four more beats, and finally, hold your breath one more time for four counts before repeating the process.

* Please consult your Physician before starting any Exercise Program.


True Optimal Health & Wellness  

True Optimal Health & Wellness seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms. Learn more about how your health is all interconnected in the body.



   Your Next Step!  

  • Are you looking to make more money? 
  • Are you looking to pay off your mortgage, credit cards, car? 
  • Are you looking to fund a college education or retirement? 
  • Are you looking looking for more free time? 
  • Are you looking to improve your lifestyle? 
  • SPECIAL REPORT - "Secrets Of Self-Made-Millionaires-Revealed!"

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