If you want to make money online, but you don't have a good system...
Go Full-Time, Erase Debt, Enjoy
More Freedom And Spend More
Time With Your Family
By Making Six and Seven Figures
Online Working Part-Time!"
To Make $10,000.00 Per Month While You
Put In Less Than An Hour Or Two Of Work Per Day,
Read Every Word On This Page...
Because It Can And Will Change Your Life!
From: Richard Oleszyk, Bergenfield, NJ, US
Dear Freedom Seeker,I have no idea how you stumbled into this website. Maybe you clicked on an ad… Maybe a friend referred you… Perhaps you stumbled into it by pure dumb luck.
But however you got here, you have arrived, at what is, without question, the most valuable website on the internet.
Here’s why:
You’re about to discover the long lost secret to making money from home.
And I bet you dollars to doughnuts, its going to instantly put you on the fast-track to success… no matter if you struggled for ages or if you’re just getting started.
I don’t care if you’re white, black, Chinese, Mexican… gay, straight, bisexual… male, female or somewhere in-between… young as a noun or old as dirt… I promise!
By the time you’re done reading this short report, you will know exactly how to make money online.
Also, believe it or not, I’m going to ask nothing in return for exposing these jealously-guarded secret to you.
What’s that?! Are you saying you’re going to give it to me for free? YES!
You Pay Nothing…
Nada... Zilch!
What’s that you say?
Sounds too good to be true?
Okay. I totally get it.
Let me guess...
Are you too leery to respond to those “make money online ads” that promise the world, charge hundreds of dollars upfront and never deliver the goods?
I can’t blame you.
I, for one, am sick of watching drawn-out videos that boast about the world’s next best money-making system.
In my humble (but accurate) opinion, whoever comes up with this crap should be thrown in jail.
I mean, have you watched those BS videos?
They go something like this:
“Hi this is Joe Screwthemhard. I’m a hot shot guru and I make a ton of money online. Here’s the red Ferrari parked in the drive way of this giant mansion which I happen to have purchased recently (all in cash, mind you!) with internet money.”
Oh, you're saying you have seen these bullshit videos?
Great! Because I want you to know this isn’t anything like that!
In fact, I want you to grab every book, course, webinar
coaching program and push button software you’ve purchased recently and
I want you to ... Trash It!
Almost every piece of advice you’ve heard about working from home is outdated or false. Most of it is taught by amateurs… Some of it is just flat out lies .
I'm not pulling your leg. This is as serious as cancer.
Would you like to know the straight up truth about working from home… as someone who’s successfully done it for years.
But first, let me take you (and myself) on a quick “refresher course” on everything you’ve been told so far that doesn’t work.
If you’re new to the online scene, you’re going to find this refresher course extremely valuable. In fact, I estimate, this information is going to save you ¾ of $100,000.00!
If you’ve been online for a while, and you’ve been paying attention, you probably know most or at least some of this stuff. Bear with me as I quickly plow through these deadly blunders. Maybe you’ll learn something, who knows? Anyway, let’s get going!
You sign your own death warrant the moment you hit your warm market (because you're told that's the 1st thing you should do, right?).
This is how, very quickly, you screw yourself out of money, success and accolades that got you into this funky internet business in the first place.
Let me explain:
First you chase your friends and family away.
You quickly morph into the weirdo no one wants to hang out with.
Your friends cast you out because you're an individual thinker.
Because you're different now.
You're driven by success. Not limitation. And that's great... but not one person who is close to you wants to join your business, except your mother, who has so much faith in you, she'll blindly follow you like a lamb.
Next, you’re told to start hitting people up on social media sites.
Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
This is as effective as randomly calling prospective buyers out of a telephone book. All you get is...Tons Of Rejection!
Do you know of anyone who will voluntarily agree to be humiliated on day to day basis for peanuts?
Not me!
I can think of easier ways to make a living like scrubbing toilets at the local 7-11.
Or, if push comes to shove, I can always apply to become a walking billboard.
My point: I friggin’ hate rejection and I suck at convincing people to buy things.
And if given the choice, I’d much rather have hot prospects flock to me, cash in hand, like flies to honey… than trying to convince strangers to part with their hard-earned dollars.
Here’s a quick glimpse into all the other stuff you should avoid like the plague:
- Chasing friends and family
- Face to face selling in your local Starbucks
- Harassing strangers on Flakebook, Twatter and Dorkstagram
Investing $20,000.00 to "position yourself at the top"
- Cold calling leads
- Prospecting on Craigslist
- Getting rejected, cussed at and spit on by prospects
- Having to put more than an hour each day to make six figures
And of course, the most common mistake of all...Fake It 'till You Make It!
This is all wrong… wrong… wrong!
What makes me, Sir Richard of Oleszyk an expert at this?
Here’s what you need to know about me:
Starting out I made every mistake.
For instance, I tried recruiting my best friend into a travel MLM (any wonder we don’t talk anymore?)…
And how about that time I positioned myself with a supplement company at the $9,700 level and quit my job believing I hit the jackpot?
Boy, it sure was embarrassing to beg my boss to give me my old job back the next month...
Speaking of embarrassing…
And between you, me and the lamppost…
If you take all the money I’ve spent on bad-smelling advice… and you scoop it in to one big pile… This pile is going to be worth...
Precisely $75,643.76!
Here's the truth:
it is way more cost effective for you to invest a few minutes to read the rest of this page than to go out there and make three quarters of a hundred thousand dollars worth of bad decisions like I did.
Do you agree?
I’m glad we set the record straight, because now you’re finally ready to discover the straight up truth about writing your own paycheck from home using the internet!
First, know that making great money online (I’m talking comfortable six figure income) is not hard.
In fact, what I’m about to show you is deceptively simple.
Don’t scoff. That’s why I said: “deceptively!” simple.
Look… I’ve been doing it for years. I’ve also shown others how to do it. And if you carefully follow the steps revealed below, you too will make money online, I promise.
The solution to all your problems lies within this statement:
"Systems Work, People Fail"
To me, this is truly a rule to live by. To you... It Is Gospel!
Let explain:
It all boils down to using a system that’ll work in spite of you trying your very best to screw it up. How is that possible? Only under one condition: its appeal has to be so “on target” with the market, you literally couldn’t chase customers away with a stick.
Sounds like a dream?
Let me make it a dream come true, because this sure-fire solution exists… Plus… it is within your grasp… Plus… anyone can start using it as soon as today no matter location, sex, gender, age, occupation or lack of computer skills.
What’s the catch?
How come no one ever told you about it before?
To explain, let’s regress for just a second and talk about…HIV/AIDS
What does this lethal disease have to do with it?
Did you see the movie “Dallas Buyers Club” starring Matthew McConaughey?
It’s about an electrician (who also happens to be a hustler) who is diagnosed with AIDS. He sets out to find a cure for himself and his patients and finds it in Mexico.
But before he's able to share the cure with his patients, he finds himself wrestling several pharmaceutical giants who call in favors with FDA and the FBI to shut him up and cover up his discovery.
Because its guaranteed to kill their profits, if they don't!
This movie is based on a true story.
And what it illustrates so well is how when there’s big money at stake, the “higher power” will literally walk over dead bodies to protect its bottom line.
In the same way, when you're trying to make money online, it is extremely profitable to keep you in the dark about the best tactics... the best tools... and the best strategies.
Can you guess what happens next?
Yessir! Next, the industry gets flooded with bad information while the real “cure” is being… Smuggled Out The Backdoor!
Now before I go on, I want to admit there’s some good advice out there.
You’re lucky if it crosses your desk. But more often than not, the advice you get is rotten.
I created this website because I know there’s a ton of people out there who struggle like I’ve struggled.
They’re being kept in the dark about what really works.
They desperately need someone to show them how to make this business work... even if they flunked every test in high school!
That's why I created this website.
And what's different about this site from all the other sites that offer "help" in exchange for an inflated upfront investment... is that the life-changing information revealed on this website is yours...100% FREE!
You see, I really and truly don’t need your money.
Because in stark contrast to almost every other so-called "internet marketing expert," who makes a living selling you "how to" information (instead of actually doing what they preach in the real world), selling money-making advice is not my business.
So why do this?
What's in it for me?
Call me crazy, but I believe this information should be easily attainable and widely accessible… same as good healthcare and drinking water!
You see... I believe, all things being equal, to minimize risk
and maximize ROI... you should only invest your hard-earned dollars in
Ideal Income Opportunity!
I bet no one ever told you what makes an income opportunity ideal and where to look for one, did they?
No worries!
Because I'll reveal exactly where to look and how to tell right here... right now!
But first, let me explain something just as important!
Here's what an ideal income opportunity is not...
a) it is not a push-button software that’s supposed to make you rich overnight. That stuff doesn’t exist. Get over it!
b) it has nothing to do with the “Secret” or wishful thinking. For the most part, that stuff doesn’t work either without massive action and a proven blueprint
c) it requires no cold calling, prospecting or chasing leads. In fact, an ideal income opportunity has leads showing up on your doorstep, cash in hand, ready to talk business!
d) it doesn't demand a lot of free time or advanced technical skills. An ideal income opportunity is a lot like a car or a laptop -- you don't need to know "how" it works to use it to make your life easier.
Do you agree so far?
Good. Thought you would, because I too don’t like it when my work distracts me from having fun. And now that you know what an ideal business doesn't looks like, there's something I'd like you to know about me and my journey which led to this life-chancing discovery:
I’d just lost a tennis match to my friend, Andrew.
He had a consolation prize. Well, sort of:
“There's a part-time opening at the company where I work. It pays well, Rich. Do you want to apply?”
I was a college student. Always short on cash – always looking for ways to make some.
I applied. I was accepted. 3 years later, I was offered a full time position.
I thought: “Yes, I made it!”
In Hindsight, That Was My Orientation Into The 9-5 Rat Race…
…The rat race from the pits of hell.
A superior was always breathing down my back. “Work faster. Work longer hours. Work more days of the week.”
Insane demands on my time. In exchange for a paycheck, the news company had decided it had sole ownership over my life! I hadn't signed up for that.
One night, I was watching TV when I saw a commercial about real estate: “Nothing Down!”
It piqued my interest so I attended the seminar.
Soon, I Was Buying Real Estate In New York And New Jersey.
I was basically leveraging OPM (Other People’s Money), and making a lot of it for myself.
I thought again: “Yes, I made it!”
I continued to think that for 5 years. I even quit my job. Then 2 big investments went horribly wrong. Before I knew it, I was liquidating everything.
I found myself sitting in a conference room with a bunch of other candidates – all interviewing for the same 9-5 job. I looked around and thought:
“Man, these people have no idea what they’re getting themselves into. A life of slavery. These comfortable leather-upholstered seats, and the thick new carpets…”
The Office Was Just A Pretty Prison.
I knew better. Yet I was waiting anxiously for my name to be called so I could snag that job. I did snag the job. A decent paycheck secured, I sat down and made a plan.
My Rat-Race Exit Plan. I wasn’t made for this 9-5 drill. I had to find something that would allow me to hit that financial home run – the one this 9-5 drudgery could not provide.
My goals couldn't be ticked off until I had money and time freedom – together. My daughter, Renee, had recently acquired a mortgage. She kept saying she might have bitten off more than she could chew. I wanted to fix that for her. I also wanted to pay my granddaughter, Kayla’s, college tuition, help her graduate without having to wait tables to make money.
My ultimate goal was to create a business – a legacy – that would help Kayla create an incredible lifestyle that was free of debt and stress.
Everyone Dreams Of An Early Retirement.
Most aren’t lucky enough to achieve that dream. I was adamant I’d be one of the lucky few. Travel to Europe, Africa. Volunteer for organizations that are bringing change around the world. I desperately wanted to have the resources to support more children through Compassion International.
My employers saw that I was a diligent worker. They didn't know that my motivation came from seeing the finish line: when I eradicated the need for a 9-5 job from my life. Permanently.
My Rat Race Exit Plan had a timeline: 1 year! Till then, I just needed the paycheck. So I meticulously hunted for business opportunities. Then one Saturday in 2014, I was having drinks with a bunch of friends. One of them mentioned Network Marketing.
“Flexible work hours, the ability to make as much money as you want.”
Network/Affiliate Marketing Was The Answer To My Rat Race Exit Plan.
The missing piece of the puzzle had popped in place.
Basically, the entire concept of Network Marketing worked like real estate. Investing other people’s money, leveraging it, creating fortunes overnight for all parties involved…
Everybody wins. Which was evident from how many Millionaires the industry had created! I was going to be a millionaire.
I doled out the money for the ‘essential’ training courses, and the tools and the blingy add-ons. The ‘GURUS’ said I needed them. So, surely I did, right? No!
4 Months Later, I’d Spent $20,000 On False Promises And Shady Recommendations.
But I’d learned something valuable: How to spot an Online Marketing Scam from a mile away.
My 1-year deadline for the Rat Race Exit Plan came and went. Still working 9-5, I could never let go of the idea of network marketing.
Then in 2015, luck hit me in the face. I stumbled upon this massive network marketing company. The founder was traveling the world, speaking at seminars and encouraging people to join the laptop lifestyle.
I was making big commissions. It was incredible! I paid off my debt. I
was traveling, splurging on expensive gifts for Renee and Kayla. The
And I thought yet again. “Yes, I made it!” and then...
The Company’s CEO Vanished With The Cash. The Company Folded.
The setback completely derailed everything I’d worked so hard for. The flexible passive income that was supplementing my 9-5 income? Gone. I knew debt would creep up on me without the extra income.
I was disheartened. I was miserable.
If I had gone down due to my own incompetence, I’d happily take responsibility for my failure. But this guy stole from me and disappeared. That weighed heavily on me and I couldn't let it go.
So much so that I completely shut off the entire idea of having a flexible online income.
9-5 was going to be ‘it’ for the rest of my life – well, at least until I retired.
Soon, Though, I Developed A Massive Ulcer In My Large Intestine.
It was painful to walk. Being even a little hungry ignited a fireball in my stomach. Eating anything just made me double over in agony. No reprieve.
The doctor’s recommendation: “Take time off work. Stress is really not helping you heal.”
I did as the doctor ordered. Ended up having to take a month off work to recover.
In 2017, I came home from a grueling day of work and got a call from Kayla: “Granddad, will you come to my graduation ceremony in May?”
I was so excited, and so proud of her that I blurted out: “Yes, yes of course.” It wasn’t until I sat down to book the flight that I realized:
I’d Never Get More Time Off From Work. I Could Get Fired.
I couldn't risk missing Kayla’s graduation. She’s my only grandchild. It was her moment. I wanted to be there, cheering for her.
That night, I tossed and turned, conjuring up fantasies of quitting my job. That would be rash…unless I went back to Network Marketing and tried something I hadn’t tried before.
The only reason I had failed horrifically the last time…I’d made one MASSIVE error: I was still working for someone else. Someone else held the strings to my financial security.
I simply wouldn’t allow that to happen again. I went back to research. Came across an incredible concept presented by Don and Nancy Failla.
“Own Your Life.” That’s Exactly What I Wanted To Do!
All those years of working for someone else take away so much from you. That time…you're never getting back!
When you subtract sleeping time, commuting time, work hours, and errands that come with everyday life…most people have only 1 (and if they’re reaallllly lucky, 2) hours a day to do what they like to do.
But then rarely have the money to do it.
So the way to “Own Your Life” is by building your very own home-based business. So....
Exactly 2 weeks after the system had come together, I received an email during lunch hour at work.
Commissions Earned $1,400.
I walked straight out of the office, called Kayla, and said two words: “I'm coming!”
I did attend Kayla’s graduation, and made $600 while I took her photos.
Surreal. Unbelievable!
My boss eventually did fire me. But I was so happy about it I hugged him!
I discovered a way for you to learn to duplicate an already successful business system.
It’s so simple anyone can do it.
It Doesn’t Require Selling. Surprised?
Gets better! You don’t have to spend countless hours in front of the computer.
Even Better! You can lock your position at CFOCC for FREE!
This is autopilot income. It generates itself as you live your day to the fullest, taking control of all 24 hours of your life.
Your time belongs to no one but you. That’s the CFOCC system!
CFOCC is available worldwide.
I spend my time doing what I love, spending time with family and friends.
I'm traveling at my leisure. I'm also coaching others on how to seize the reins of their life.
Splitting my time between NJ, Sarasota Florida, Nashville Tennessee…it’s one crazy ride.
I am an average man, like you. CFOCC has overhauled my lifestyle!
Create multiple streams of income.
Even If You Have Limited Formal Education And Technical Skills… NO BIG DEAL! YOU CAN OVERCOME IT. I DID!
That’s how the Cash Flow On Cruise Control System came into being.
You can set the cruise control on your high-income paydays!
Nothing can compare to Network Marketing in creating incredible leverage. The best part: without much risk, too!
You can launch and run a successful network marketing company and bring in the thousands of $$$.
During 2018 Alone, I Cashed Over $240,000.
I know where the big bucks are. You can find the BIG BUCKS HERE! Join FREE and secure your position in the CFOCC System.
If you succeed, I succeed. So we’re all winning together. This is teamwork!
Imagine: Soon enough you can quit your horrible job.
You can choose to stay home with your kids – maybe even home school them.
You can spend your days pampering yourself…
…Spending Time With Loved Ones And Traveling The World.
All you have to do is Plug In, and …succeed. On autopilot!
I promised to tell you about an ideal income opportunity and I’m about to keep my promise.
What To Look For In An Ideal "Work From Home" Opportunity
Here’s the four clues you need to look for in an income opportunity:
- It is accessible from any location and any device. This way, as long as you have a laptop or a smartphone, and it’s hooked up to the interweb, you can make money by the pool, at work, at home and even while visiting aunt Sandy in Iowa.
- It costs less than $1,000. Oh, no! You didn’t expect to make money for free, did you? How else are you going to keep freeloaders and tire kickers away? A nominal fee is required to keep it nice and clean for everyone involved. If you have ever been a part of a “free” income opportunity, you know exactly what I mean.
- Takes 30-60 minutes to set up. You always want to invest at least 30 minutes to make sure all the vitally important components are in place. Your personal account details, your bank account (otherwise how are you going to get paid), your contact information and so on.
- IMPORTANT: No Risk Money Back Guarantee. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days… The longer the better. You shouldn’t, even for a second, put your hard earned dollars at risk. At least not until you’ve earned your first commission check.
Here’s what you can expect to happen as soon as you follow my advice and become a member of an opportunity that has every component listed above:
You can expect to instantly stop feeling stressed, confused and overloaded with information.
You’ll notice an immediate feeling of relief, because you no longer need to chase your prospective buyers or do any convincing or selling. Remember, an ideal income opportunity has targeted prospects knocking on your door instead.
And (the part I enjoy most) you’ll witness your bank account grow faster than you ever dreamed possible whether or not you work, get sick or go on a 30 day mission to feed the hungry children of Namibia.
Get Started Right Now Risk-Free
Okay, so there you go.
I just gave you the keys to the kingdom.
Any work from home opportunity that follows the rules listed above is a great way to make a living from anywhere in the world.
It's guaranteed to work.
The next step is to find and join such opportunity.
Yes... even if you still have doubts... action still beats meditation!
And if you'd like to go on a web expedition to find one, be my guest.
I won't wish you luck, because you don't need it...
I already gave you the tools and knowledge you need to make a wise intelligent decision. Now, my friend, you make your own luck!
If you hate risk (like me!) and you like to play it safe...
And only if you're an action taker (someone who's taking consistent action to improve themselves every single day), listen up.
Here's What I Got For You:
If you're curious to discover what my ideal work from home opportunity of choice is, I'd love to tell you more about it... and perhaps even coach you until you're making $10,000.00 per month from your laptop.
If that's something you'd like to learn more about, read below.
Here's What You Need To Do Next:
You'll be happy to discover the opportunity I decided to work with and have been for well over a year at this point, is very affordable and easy to work with for a complete internet beginner.
It is also risk-free and guaranteed to work.
(Yes! As in actually guaranteed-to-work-or-your-money-back guarantee!)
To get started, I want you to watch this the CFOCC System video…
It explains everything you need to know before you join, including the price, the guarantee, the results you can expect and the required time you need to set aside to get these results.
What you should do is, you should shut off all distractions and you should click here and watch the short video in full.
Then, if you don’t like what you see, just leave.
On the other, if after reading this page… and then… watching this video… then… if you still want to join me in this opportunity.
By the way, it's perfectly fine if you have no online experience whatsoever. In fact, it's even better this way, because you won't have to un-learn any of the "bad habits."
Once you're done with the video, if you feel it's not a good fit, just leave. No obligation. No catch.
You'll be on your way to picking up the next bright shiny object in no time!
Get started right now by getting in touch with the person that introduced you to the CFOCC Franchise System .
Thank you for reading this message. I sincerely hope I helped you… And again, thank you for reading this.
Richard Oleszyk
All Rights Reserved 2019
Richard Oleszyk, 5-Continents Marketing
Bergenfield NJ, St Augustine/Sarasota FL,
United States
use YOUR SPONSOR'S ID# and Links to join all the programs. Get back to
the person who introduced you to this system, and let him or her know of
your decision, or just go
to his or her website and join!
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